Jquery DataTables AJAX Default Sorting Not Working -

i'm pulling raw json in fill out datatable.

the problem things pagination , sorting don't work.

i'm not pulling info database, i'm pulling data aws.

from aws --> cache file --> json --> datatables.

my json looks so:

{ "count": 332, "data": [   {   "account": "netops",   "architecture": "x86_64",   "block_devices": [     {       "delete_on_terminate": true,       "name": "/dev/sda1",       "status": "attached",       "volume_id": "vol-secret"     }   ],   "ebs_optimized": false,   "group_name": null,   "hypervisor": "xen",   "id": "i-secret",   "instance_type": "m1.small"} ]}  

of course real result returns 323 records...

the json valid json according json lint

here use datatables:

<script>   $(document).ready(function() {   $('#ec2_table').datatable({             "serverside": true,             "ajax": '/ec2',             "columns": [         { "data": "id" },         { "data": "name" },         { "data": "architecture" },         { "data": "instance_type" },         { "data": "image_id" },         { "data": "platform" },         { "data": "state" },         { "data": "account" },                     ],          "lengthmenu": [[10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [10, 25, 50, 100, "all"]],             dom: 't<"clear">lfrtip',             tabletools: {         "sswfpath":    "/static/js/datatables/extensions/tabletools/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"     }     }); });  </script> 

pagination, column sorting, searching inoperative.

and jinja/html looks so:

<table id="ec2_table" class="order-column display compact" cellspacing="0"    width="98%">   <thead>     <tr>           <th>id</th>           <th>name</th>           <th>architecture</th>           <th>insttype</th>           <th>image id</th>           <th>platform</th>           <th>state</th>           <th>account</th>     </tr>   </thead> </table> 

i have been looking @ datatables documentation , think problem json.

server-side manual

this example gave. count: isn't 1 of listed parameters datatable expected. let me know if changing json return "draw". "recordstotal", "recordsfiltered", , "data" parameters works. still learning datatables myself.

{ "draw": 1, "recordstotal": 57, "recordsfiltered": 57, "data": [     [         "angelica",         "ramos",         "system architect",         "london",         "9th oct 09",         "$2,875"     ],     [         "ashton",         "cox",         "technical author",         "san francisco",         "12th jan 09",         "$4,800"     ],     ... ] 


i got of work!

you need class play api ajax/json

imports system.web.script.serialization  public class datatablejsonmodel     public property draw integer     public property start integer     public property length integer     public property search searchmodel     public property order ordermodel()     public property columns columnmodel()      class columnmodel         public property data string         public property name string         public property searchable boolean         public property orderable boolean         public property search searchmodel     end class      class searchmodel         public property value string         public property regex boolean     end class      class ordermodel         public const asc string = "asc"         public const desc string = "desc"          public property column integer         public property dir string     end class end class  public class datatablereturnmodel     public property draw integer     public property data object     public property recordstotal integer     public property recordsfiltered integer     public property errormessage string end class  public class aws     public property instance_type string     public property id string     public property architecture string     public property account string     public property name string      public property block_devices blockdevicemodel()     public property ebs_optimized boolean     public property group_name string     public property hypervisor string       class blockdevicemodel         public property delete_on_terminate boolean         public property name string         public property status string         public property volume_id string     end class end class 

my html/javascript looks this.

@code     viewdata("title") = "awsdatatables" end code   <script>     $(document).ready(function () {         var table = $('#ec2_table').datatable({             "serverside": true,             "ajax": { url: '/home/ec2',                 type: 'post',                 datatype: 'json',                 contenttype: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',                 data: function (d) {                     return json.stringify(d);                 },             },             "columns": [         { "data": "id" },         { "data": "name" },         { "data": "architecture" },         { "data": "instance_type" },              ],             "lengthmenu": [[10, 25, 50, 100, 1000], [10, 25, 50, 100, 1000]],             dom: 't<"clear">lfrtip',             tabletools: {                 "sswfpath": "/scripts/media/js/datatables/extensions/tabletools/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"             }         });     });  </script>  <h2>awsdatatables</h2>  <table id="ec2_table" class="order-column display compact" cellspacing="0" width="98%">     <thead>         <tr>             <th>id</th>             <th>name</th>             <th>architecture</th>             <th>insttype</th>         </tr>     </thead> </table> 

and server-side controller code this.

function awsdatatables() actionresult     return view() end function  <httppost()> _ function ec2(d datatablejsonmodel) jsonresult     dim dataresults ienumerable(of aws) = getawstestlist()     dim filtereddata ienumerable(of aws) = dataresults     dim output new datatablereturnmodel()      'sorting happens here     if not string.isnullorempty(d.search.value)         dim s string = d.search.value.tolower         'this change based on class.         filtereddata = dataresults.where(function(x) x.id.tolower.contains(s) orelse                                              x.architecture.tolower.contains(s) orelse                                              x.name.tolower.contains(s))     end if      'ordering happens here     if not isnothing(d.order) andalso d.order.length > 0         dim orderm datatablejsonmodel.ordermodel = d.order(0)         if not isnothing(orderm)             dim sortdirection string = orderm.dir             dim columnm datatablejsonmodel.columnmodel = d.columns.elementatordefault(orderm.column)             if not isnothing(columnm) andalso not string.isnullorempty(columnm.data) andalso not isnothing(gettype(aws).getproperty(columnm.data))                 if sortdirection = datatablejsonmodel.ordermodel.asc                     filtereddata = filtereddata.orderby(function(x) gettype(aws).getproperty(columnm.data).getmethod.invoke(x, {}))                 else                     filtereddata = filtereddata.orderbydescending(function(x) gettype(aws).getproperty(columnm.data).getmethod.invoke(x, {}))                 end if             end if         end if     end if      output.data = filtereddata.skip(d.start).take(d.length)     output.recordsfiltered = filtereddata.count     output.recordstotal = dataresults.count      return json(output) end function 

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