ruby on rails - How to stop double rendering in sidebar? -

the code double rendering so:

enter image description here

when should list out once so:

ran 1 miles apr  journal 1 days apr 


<% @averaged_quantifieds.each |averaged| %> <% averaged.results.each |result| %>   <div class="<%= result.good? ? 'green' : 'red' %>">     <li>       <%= raw { |t| link_to t.titleize, tag_path(t) }.join(', ') %><%= link_to edit_quantified_path(averaged) %> <%= averaged.results.first.result_value %> <%= averaged.metric %> <span class="<%= date_value_label_class(result) %>"> <%= averaged.results.first.date_value.strftime("%b") %></span><% end %>     </li>   </div> <% end %> <% end %> 


def set_stats   @averaged_quantifieds = current_user.quantifieds.averaged if current_user   @instance_quantifieds = current_user.quantifieds.instance if current_user end 

results nested_attribute quantifieds.


class quantifiedscontroller < applicationcontroller    before_action :set_quantified, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]    before_action :logged_in_user, only: [:create, :destroy]      def index      if params[:tag]        @quantifieds = quantified.tagged_with(params[:tag])      else        @quantifieds = quantified.joins(:results).all        @averaged_quantifieds = current_user.quantifieds.averaged        @instance_quantifieds = current_user.quantifieds.instance      end    end      def show    end      def new      @quantified =     end      def edit    end      def create      @quantified =      if        redirect_to quantifieds_url, notice: 'quantified created'      else        @feed_items = []        render 'pages/home'    end  end      def update      if @quantified.update(quantified_params)        redirect_to quantifieds_url, notice: 'goal updated'      else        render action: 'edit'    end  end      def destroy      @quantified.destroy      redirect_to quantifieds_url    end      private      def set_quantified        @quantified = quantified.find(params[:id])      end        def correct_user        @quantified = current_user.quantifieds.find_by(id: params[:id])        redirect_to quantifieds_path, notice: "not authorized edit goal" if @quantified.nil?      end        def quantified_params        params.require(:quantified).permit(:categories, :metric, :date, :comment, :private_submit, :tag_list, results_attributes: [:id, :result_value, :date_value, :good, :_destroy])      end  end


    class quantified < activerecord::base         belongs_to :user         has_many :results #correct         has_many :comments, as: :commentable         accepts_nested_attributes_for :results, :reject_if => :all_blank, :allow_destroy => true #correct         scope :averaged,  -> { where(categories: 'averaged') }         scope :instance,  -> { where(categories: 'instance') }         scope :private_submit, -> { where(private_submit: true) }         scope :public_submit, -> { where(private_submit: false) }         validates :categories, :metric, presence: true         acts_as_taggable          categories = ['averaged', 'instance']     end 


    class result < activerecord::base         belongs_to :user       belongs_to :quantified         has_many :comments, as: :commentable       default_scope { order('date_value desc') }         scope :good, -> { where(good: true) }         scope :good_count, -> { good.count }     end 

the issue came when trying introduce differing font colors results. make possible had introduce these 2 lines causing double rendering: <% averaged.results.each |result| %> <div class="<%= result.good? ? 'green' : 'red' %>">

thank time , expertise.

you should explain more logic , data stored.

a guess there's 2 records in @averaged_quantifieds , 3 in averaged.results. hard determine desired results without knowing data stored.

note displaying firsts records results (averaged.results.first) in <%= raw ... line


<% @averaged_quantifieds.each |averaged| %>    <div class="<%= averaged.results.first.good? ? 'green' : 'red' %>">     <li>       <%= raw { |t| link_to t.titleize, tag_path(t) }.join(', ') %><%= link_to edit_quantified_path(averaged) %> <%= averaged.results.first.result_value %> <%= averaged.metric %> <span class="<%= date_value_label_class(result) %>"> <%= averaged.results.first.date_value.strftime("%b") %></span><% end %>     </li>   </div>  <% end %> 

edit: bad, missed 1 result object (<%= date_value_label_class(result) %>) hiding in rest of line

change result averaged.results.first wherever applicable

<% @averaged_quantifieds.each |averaged| %>   <div class="<%= averaged.results.first.good? ? 'green' : 'red' %>">     <li>       <%= raw { |t| link_to t.titleize, tag_path(t) }.join(', ') %><%= link_to edit_quantified_path(averaged) %> <%= averaged.results.first.result_value %> <%= averaged.metric %> <span class="<%= date_value_label_class(averaged.results.first) %>"> <%= averaged.results.first.date_value.strftime("%b") %></span><% end %>     </li>   </div> <% end %> 

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