swift - split now complains about missing "isSeparator" -

after latest upgrade of swift 1.2, can't figure out how split line of text words. used this:

let bits = split(value!, { $0 == " "}, maxsplit: int.max, allowemptyslices: false) 

but no longer works, because...

cannot invoke 'split' argument list of type '(string, (_) -> _, maxsplit: int, allowemptyslices: bool)' 

ummm, ok, though last build? whatever, let's try...

let bits = split(value!, { $0 == " "}) 

well , every other version can think of ends saying:

missing argument parameter 'isseparator' in call 

let's hear beta-testing new programming languages! yay!

anyone know correct secret sauce 1.2?

it seems order of parameters changed in swift 1.2:

let bits = split(value!, maxsplit: int.max, allowemptyslices: false,                  isseparator: { $0 == " "}) 

or, using default values:

let bits = split(value!, isseparator: { $0 == " "}) 

the predicate last parameter , requires external parameter name isseparator because preceded optional parameters.

the advantage of change can use trailing closure syntax:

let bits = split(value!, maxsplit: int.max, allowemptyslices: false) { $0 == " " } 


let bits = split(value!) { $0 == " " } 

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