Copy contents of HTML to column- error handling VBA Excel -
solved!!! followed advice of jbarker2160 on error resume next
solution. refined code made use less resources.
sub project() dim locationarr variant dim long dim g_strvar string dim fake string locationarr = range("c1:c8877").value = lbound(locationarr) ubound(locationarr) fake = (locationarr(i, 1)) g_strvar = importtextfile(fake) activecell.value = g_strvar activecell.offset(1, 0).select g_strvar = "" next end sub function importtextfile(strfile string) string on error resume next open strfile input #1 importtextfile = input$(lof(1), 1) close #1 end function
original question how create error handling on process? first time user.
i copying local backup file content intranet csv. have been stumbling around vba build solution. need figure out how handle error.
my current sheet contains list of product sku's, product names, , file path html files populate pages (some of outdated paths).
using vba have place file paths single dimension array. have created loop go through array open file path, copy contents of file, close file, , place contents of file cell.
how handle corrupt/missing file paths?
sub project() dim locationarr variant dim shex object dim long dim dataobj new msforms.dataobject dim s string ' 'access clipboard dataobj.getfromclipboard s = dataobj.gettext ' ' ' create array locationarr = range("c1:c8877").value ' ' ' access file set shex = createobject("shell.application") ' ' ' 'loop array = lbound(locationarr) ubound(locationarr) ' 'open file (locationarr(i, 1)) ' ' give time open application.wait (now + timevalue("0:00:01")) ' handle file application.sendkeys ("^a") application.sendkeys ("^c") application.sendkeys ("%{f4}") ' give time close application.wait (now + timevalue("0:00:01")) ' 'place clipboard active cell activecell.value = s ' 'move new active cell activecell.offset(1, 0).select ' ' loop next end sub
you can put on error resume next
@ top of code, can dangerous in circumstances.
i don't foresee problems adding this, if make adjustments or additions code later might want reevaluate.
as stands, worst can expect missing data or bunch of open files.
if paths never valid again can use error handler delete path list.