php - ZF2: Why are my sessions logging out? -

my zf2 application logs out after short period of inactivity - say, 60 minutes or - , can't understand why.

i have 'auth' object singleton composes instance of zend\session\container. constructor creates container following line:

$this->session = new container('auth'); 

the auth object has login() method stores current user following line:

$this->getsession()->userid = $user->id; 

the auth object has isloggedin() method tests status follows:

if ($this->getsession()->userid) {      return true; } return false; 

that's pretty straightforward. yet, time time when bootstrap checking see if logged in, comes false. why?

here's printout of config session manager:

'cookie_domain' => '', 'cookie_httponly' => false, 'cookie_lifetime' => 604800, 'cookie_path' => '/', 'cookie_secure' => '', 'name' => 'myapplication', 'remember_me_seconds' => 1209600, 'save_path' => '/var/lib/php5', 'use_cookies' => true, 

as can see, remember_me_seconds , cookie_lifetime set 2 weeks , 7 days respectively. there other setting should looking at?

i read somewhere default save handler, 'file', not support concurrency. bootstrap opens session container auth namespace new container('auth'). conflicting container in auth singleton ? doubt it, since problem occur in periods of high activity (not after period of inactivity). also, expect see exception.

woe me.

edit: worth noting session id not change when logged out, or upon logging in.

there many points why session can become invalid.

check following points:

  • session cookie lifetime (should become invalid when closing browser)
  • session lifetime itself
  • cache_expire key in zf2 (should higher session lifetime)

try add this

    //new section     'cache_expire'         => 60 * 26, <-- may     'gc_maxlifetime'       => 60 * 60 * 24, <-- or 

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