mysql - Can I sub query this or not? -
i've been trying query/subquery work stats have failed, started again scratch. can results want it's still in 2 separate queries. have little no experience sub queries after reasearching, heart tells me should able in 1 query. info in 1 table need use 2 separate group in order right data. i'm hoping can me head around or @ least point me in right direction... in advance
select month(bookadhistory)-1 monthnum, count(distinct bookidhistory) totalbooks, count(distinct case when bookddchistory = 300 bookidhistory end) breaches bookhistory join book on bookid = bookidhistory bookid = 44 group month (bookadhistory) order monthnum; select month(historycreated)-1 monthnum, count(distinct case when bookddchistory between 1 , 99 bookidhistory end) delays, count(distinct case when bookddchistory = 200 bookidhistory end) extns, count(distinct case when bookddchistory = 100 bookidhistory end) lateclose bookhistory join book on bookid = bookidhistory bookid = 44 group month (historycreated) order monthnum;
there may ways simplify this, using have , sticking them in subquery(s) like:
select * ( select month(bookadhistory)-1 monthnum, count(distinct bookidhistory) totalbooks, count(distinct case when bookddchistory = 300 bookidhistory end) breaches bookhistory join book on bookid = bookidhistory bookid = 44 group month (bookadhistory) order monthnum ) t1 inner join ( select month(historycreated)-1 monthnum, count(distinct case when bookddchistory between 1 , 99 bookidhistory end) delays, count(distinct case when bookddchistory = 200 bookidhistory end) extns, count(distinct case when bookddchistory = 100 bookidhistory end) lateclose bookhistory join book on bookid = bookidhistory bookid = 44 group month (historycreated) order monthnum; ) t2 on t1.monthnum = t2.monthnum