mysql - Limit rows in SQL for each group with Joins -

i trying limit rows each group of output. way it. explaining case below:

table1: customer_details

customer id vandeur pid_01 vandeur pid_02 vandeur pid_03 vandeur pid_04 vandeur pid_01 vandeur pid_02 vandeur pid_03 vandeur pid_04 vandeur pid_05

table2: month_details

month id jan pid_01 jan pid_02 jan pid_03 jan pid_04 feb pid_01 feb pid_02 feb pid_03 feb pid_04 feb pid_05

my output requirement - want first 3 ids of each month customer vandeur

sample o/p:

customer month id vandeur jan pid_01 vandeur jan pid_02 vandeur jan pid_03 vandeur feb pid_01 vandeur feb pid_02 vandeur feb pid_03

can suggest me ways achieve it.

mysql doesn't support window functions other rdbms,to n results per group can use user defined variables

 select distinct c.customer,m1.`month`,  customer_details c  join (   select m.*,    @r:= case when @g = `month`  @r +1 else 1 end  rank,    @g:=`month`     `month_details` m ,     (select @g:=null,@r:=null) r        order m.`month` desc ,replace(,'pid_','') * 1        ) m1 on( =   m1.rank <=3  , c.customer= 'vandeur'  order m1.`month` desc ,replace(,'pid_','') * 1 


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