ios - Add padding around ASTextNode -

i working asyncdisplaykit (for first time) , have astextnode inside ascellnode. want adding padding or inset around text inside astextnode. attempted wrap asdisplaynode whenever calculated it's size in calculatesizethatfits: returned 0. suggestions appreciated. code in ascellnode subclass is:

- (cgsize)calculatesizethatfits:(cgsize)constrainedsize {     cgsize textsize = [self.commentnode measure:cgsizemake(constrainedsize.width - kimagesize - kimagetocommentpadding - kcellpadding - kinnerpadding, constrainedsize.height)];      return cgsizemake(constrainedsize.width, textsize.height); }  - (void)layout {     self.imagenode.frame = cgrectmake(kcellpadding, kcellpadding, kimagesize, kimagesize);     self.imagenode.layer.cornerradius = kimagesize / 2.f;     self.imagenode.layer.maskstobounds = yes;     self.imagenode.layer.bordercolor = [uicolor whitecolor].cgcolor;     self.imagenode.layer.borderwidth = 2.f;      self.commentnode.backgroundcolor = [uicolor whitecolor];     self.commentnode.layer.cornerradius = 8.f;     self.commentnode.layer.maskstobounds = yes;      cgsize textsize = self.commentnode.calculatedsize;     self.commentnode.frame = cgrectmake(kcellpadding + kimagesize + kcellpadding, kcellpadding, textsize.width, textsize.height); } 

if node returning 0 height / size, may forgetting invalidate current size after changing content.

use: [node invalidatecalculatedsize];

for padding around text node, add node behind size want , set hittestslop on text node. increase tappable area.

the better approach might embed inside custom node e.g.


@interface insettextnode: ascontrolnode  @property (nonatomic) uiedgeinsets textinsets; @property (nonatomic) nsattributedstring * attributedstring; @property astextnode * textnode;  @end 


@implementation insettextnode  - (instancetype)init {     self = [super init];     if (!self) return nil;      [self addsubnode:textnode];     self.textinsets = uiedgeinsetsmake(8, 16, 8, 16);      return self; }  - (cgsize)calculatesizethatfits:(cgsize)constrainedsize {     cgfloat availabletextwidth = constrainedsize.width - self.textinsets.left - self.textinsets.right;     cgfloat availabletextheight = constrainedsize.height - - self.textinsets.bottom;     cgsize constrainedtextsize = cgsizemake(availabletextwidth, availabletextheight);      cgsize textsize = [self.textnode measure:constrainedtextsize];      cgfloat finalwidth = self.textinsets.left + textsize.width + self.textinsets.right;     cgfloat finalheight = + textsize.height + self.textinsets.bottom;      cgsize finalsize = cgsizemake(finalwidth, finalheight);      return finalsize; }  - (void)layout {     cgfloat textx = self.textinsets.left;     cgfloat texty =;      cgsize textsize = self.textnode.calculatedsize;      textnode.frame = cgrectmake(textx, texty, textsize.width, textsize.height); }  - (nsattributedstring *) attributedstring {      return self.textnode.attributedstring; }  - (void)setattributedstring:(nsattributedstring *)attributedstring {     self.textnode.attributedstring = attributedstring;     [self invalidatecalculatedsize]; }  - (void)settextinsets:(uiedgeinsets)textinsets {     _textinsets = textinsets;      [self invalidatecalculatedsize]; }  @end 

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