urllib2 - Python request.post while also using proxy - not working -
i having issue below code when try post login/pw access actual page want end at, time out 10060. however, if comment out post
, response, log-in page (since trying access url
without logging in).
i have done on diff network did not require proxy without issue, using same payload. combo of proxy/post causing issue, , i'm not sure is.
import requests bs4 import beautifulsoup url = "https://site/stuff_i_want" payload = { 'login':'login_name', 'password':'pw' } proxies={'http': 'http://domain\login:pw@proxy_ip:port', 'https': 'http://domain\login:pw@proxy_ip:port' } requests.session() s: p = s.post('https://site/login', data=payload) #w/o post login page loads, post time-out. r = s.get(url,proxies=proxies) print r.content