c# - How to use WWW class to change the Sprite? -

i'm struggling change sprite image use www class in unity.

i have picture of profile png on website i'd load in game. i'd change sprite of sprite renderer attached game object new sprite of personal profile.

i think ienumerator can't used event, rearranged below. there no error didn't work.

please let me know how this.

using unityengine; using system.collections; using system.io; using uxlib.user; using uxlib.connect;  public class userimage : monobehaviour {     uxandroidmanager androidmanager;     private spriterenderer spriterenderer;     public material mat;   void start(){     spriterenderer = getcomponent<spriterenderer> ();     androidmanager.startgallery (login.userid);  }  void awake () {     gameobject go = gameobject.find ("androidmanager");     androidmanager = go.getcomponent<uxandroidmanager> ();     androidmanager.initandroid ();      androidmanager.onand_profileimagechanged += onprofileimagechaned; }  void ondestroy() {     androidmanager.onand_profileimagechanged -= onprofileimagechaned; }  void onprofileimagechaned(string filepath) {     uxplayercontroller player = uxplayercontroller.instance;     player.changeprofileimage(filepath);      string logstring = player.getlastreceiveddata();      profileimage (filepath);  } ienumerator profileimage(string filepath){     www www = new www (filepath);     yield return www;       spriterenderer renderer = gameobject.getcomponent<spriterenderer>();     sprite sprite = new sprite();     sprite = sprite.create(www.texture, new rect(0, 0, 170, 170),new vector2(0, 0),100.0f);      renderer.sprite = sprite;     renderer.material = mat; } } 

call profileimage in coroutine.

a coroutine function can suspend execution (yield) until given given yieldinstruction finishes.

so, change call in onprofileimagechaned from:

profileimage (filepath);



i recommend take @ unity docs coroutines: http://docs.unity3d.com/scriptreference/coroutine.html http://docs.unity3d.com/manual/coroutines.html

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