tooltip - using CSS to change node design -

i dont know i'am doing wrong adding css style node.

i have main application window. click menu item , modal window opens below(modalwindow extends stage):

fxmlloader loader = new fxmlloader(getclass().getresource(constants.root_user_edit.string)); borderpane editpane;    try {         editpane = new borderpane(loader.load());         modalwindow editwindow = new modalwindow(main.mainstage, editpane, "edit user");         //its new stage new scene, need load file again         editwindow.getscene().getstylesheets().add(getclass().getresource(constants.css_path.string).toexternalform());          userdata userdata = (userdata)userstable.getselectionmodel().getselecteditem();         usereditwindowcontroller usereditwindowcontroller = loader.getcontroller();         usereditwindowcontroller.fillwithdata(userdata);         editwindow.initmodality(modality.application_modal);         editwindow.showandwait();     } catch (ioexception exception) {         exceptiondialog exceptiondialog = new exceptiondialog("couldn't load usereditwindow",exception);         exceptiondialog.showandwait();     } 

this css file added:

#greeninfotip {     -fx-graphic-text-gap: 20;     -fx-font-size: 44.0px ;     -fx-background: green;     -fx-background-color: rgb(128,255,128); } 

and try in root controller class:


but no effect. there i'm doing wrong?

edit itachiuchiha here precisely looks like:

method inside usereditwindowcontroller class:

@fxml     private void buttsaveaction(actionevent event){         //check if login , password doesn't contain spaces , 4-16 characters long         string login = textflogin.gettext();         string password = textfpassword.gettext();         boolean hasloginwhitespace = iscontainingwhitespace(login);         boolean haspasswordwhitespace = iscontainingwhitespace(password);         boolean isloginmorethan3 = (login.length() > 3)? true : false;         boolean isloginlessthan17 = (login.length() < 17)? true : false;         boolean ispasswordmorethan3 = (password.length() > 3)? true : false;         boolean ispasswordlessthan17 = (password.length() < 17)? true : false;          infotip infotip = new infotip();         if( hasloginwhitespace == false){             if( haspasswordwhitespace == false ){                 if( isloginmorethan3 == true && isloginlessthan17 == true){                     if( ispasswordmorethan3 == true && ispasswordlessthan17 == true ){                         //========login , password correct                         string query = "update users set login = ?, password = ? employee_id = ?;";                         try( connection connection = main.datasource.getconnection() ){                             try( preparedstatement preparedstatement = connection.preparestatement(query) ){                                 preparedstatement.setstring(1, login);                                 preparedstatement.setstring(2, password);                                 preparedstatement.setint(3, currentuser.getid());                                 preparedstatement.executeupdate();                                  currentuser.setlogin(login);                                 currentuser.setpassword(password);                                  infotip.getinfotip().setid("greeninfotip");                                 infotip.showtip((button)event.getsource(), "saved");                             }                         }catch(exception exception){                             exceptiondialog exceptiondialog = new exceptiondialog("error while loading data database",exception);                             exceptiondialog.showandwait();                         };                     }else{ //password has less 4 or more 16 characters                         infotip.showtip(textfpassword, "no more 16 , no less 4 characters!");                     }                 }else{ //login has less 4 or more 16 characters                     infotip.showtip(textflogin, "no more 16 , no less 4 characters!");                 }             }else{ //password has white space                 infotip.showtip(textfpassword, "no spaces!");             }         }else{ //login has white space             infotip.showtip(textflogin, "no spaces!");         }     }     public class infotip {     private tooltip infotip;       public infotip(){         infotip = new tooltip();     }      private static point2d getnodepos(node node){  //getting node coordination on screen         scene nodescene = node.getscene();         final point2d windowpos = new point2d(nodescene.getwindow().getx(),  nodescene.getwindow().gety());         final point2d scenepos = new point2d(nodescene.getx(), nodescene.gety());         final point2d nodepos = node.localtoscene(0.0, 0.0);         final point2d nodeposonscreen = new point2d(windowpos.getx() + scenepos.getx() + nodepos.getx(),                                                     windowpos.gety() + scenepos.gety() + nodepos.gety());         return nodeposonscreen;     }     public void showtip(node node, string text){         point2d nodeposonscreen = getnodepos(node);          infotip = new tooltip(text);         infotip.setfont(new font(15));         infotip.setopacity(0.9);         infotip.setautofix(true);         infotip.setautohide(true);, nodeposonscreen.getx()-30, nodeposonscreen.gety() - 40);     }      public tooltip getinfotip(){         return infotip;     } } 

the issue with

infotip = new tooltip(text);  

inside howtip(node node, string text).

you over-writing old tooltip id new object. try using


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