swift - touchesbegan/moved/ended not working with xcode 6.3 -
i'm having same problem listed beta 6.3 here: overriding method selector 'touchesbegan:withevent:' has incompatible type '(nsset, uievent) -> ()'
but fixes listed there not working me. i've changed line:
override func touchesbegan(touches: nsset, withevent event: uievent) {
to this:
override func touchesbegan(touches: set<nsobject>, withevent event: uievent) {
the error i'm getting is: "method not override method superclass"
does know if fixes listed above 6.3 beta working final 6.3?
the correct answer here. keep override , change signature this
override func touchesbegan(touches: set<nsobject>, withevent event: uievent)