sql server - How do you send emails to multiple people, with different criteria, using dbmail in MS SQL -

i have below sql query building send automated emails various people. right have setup email table 1 person.

what send specific query results specific people based on condition. example want send email containing data sc = 20 abc@email.com, , separate email sc = 30 xyz@email.com.

in addition, if there no data particular sc not send email them.

how can adjusted accommodate that? i'd appreciate feedback. thank you.

use dst14000busd  declare @tablehtml  nvarchar(max) ;  set @tablehtml =     n'<h1>data issues</h1>' +     n'<p>this automated email. please review , correct these issues possible. thank you.</p>' +         n'<p>periods in address or city field. periods not allowed in addresses because not supported other systems.</p>' +       n'<table border="1">' +     n'<tr><th>issue</th><th>status</th>' +     n'<th>school</th><th>id</th><th>student #</th>' +     n'<th>first name</th><th>last name</th><th>address</th><th>city</th><th>residence address</th><th>residence city</th></tr>' +     cast ( ( select td = 'period in address or city field',       '',                     td = tg, '', td = sc, '',                     td = id, '', td = sn, '', td = fn, '', td = ln, '',                     td = ad, '', td = cy, '', td = rad, '',                     td = rcy stu ((ad '%.%' or rad '%.%' or cy '%.%' or rcy '%.%') or (ad '%!%' or rad '%!%' or cy '%!%' or rcy '%!%')) , del = 0 order sc                              xml path('tr'), type      ) nvarchar(max) ) +     n'</table>' +  n'<p>email processed on ' + convert(varchar(10),getdate(),101) + '</p>' ;      exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='email@email.com',     @from_address = 'email@email.com',     @subject = 'data issues',     @body = @tablehtml,     @body_format = 'html' ; 

you can use cursor loop through recipients.

declare @tablehtml nvarchar(max),         @email nvarchar(255),         @code int  -- test mapping table  create table #map ( email nvarchar(255), code int   ) insert #map values ('abc@gmail.com', 20) insert #map values  ('xyz@email.com', 30)  -- cursor iterate through rows in #map declare mail_cursor cursor select email, code #map open mail_cursor          -- fetch first row fetch next mail_cursor @email, @code  -- check successful fetch while (@@fetch_status = 0) begin      -- proceed if there data send     if (exists (select 1 stu sc = @code))     begin          -- build email body. same have, limit sc=@code         set @tablehtml = n'..'          -- send #map.email         exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients=@email,             @from_address = 'email@email.com',             @subject = 'data issues',             @body = @tablehtml,             @body_format = 'html' ;     end      -- fetch next row     fetch next mail_cursor     @email, @code end  -- cleanup close mail_cursor deallocate mail_cursor drop table #map 

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